The national chief Imam is the embodiment and the arrowhead of the Muslim community in our country. He is the number one leader in the Muslim leadership hierarchy in our country.
He leads the gamut of Muslims, whose population is over ten million and comes next after Christianity.
Our distinguished National Chief Imam is a pillar who has consistently demonstrated his love for peace, unity and harmony between Islam and other religious faiths in the country.
He has won huge admiration from all because of his commitment to peace.
The National Chief Imam is Sheik Dr Osumanu Nuhu Sharabutu is the citadel of love to all. He is truly a father to all.
He is not partisan. He is not a tribalist and he is not a racist. He accommodates all, no matter one’s creed, gender, social status etc.
We thank Allah for having this distinguished father as a leader of the Muslim community and Ummah in our country.
The national chief Imam has gone beyond the octogenarian status of his life. We thank Allah for his life and I pray for good health, long life and prosperity.
Handlers Of Our National Chief Imam
The Chief Imam I know has handlers who organize his daily activities. They are expected to organize, help, direct, coordinate and communicate matters relating to Islam, national matters and the personal activities being undertaken by His Eminence.
Unfortunately, I can state that there is a lacuna in the way and manner the handlers of our distinguished Imam undertake their roles as a Muslim, I am a bit concerned and I pray that this lacuna must be filled or fixed.
We should let the world know that our revere Chief Imam is a priceless man and therefore everything must be done to make his leadership flawless.
I am not happy that the handlers of our Imam accept every invitation for the Imam.
Imam should not accept every invitation. The handlers must scrutinize those invitations before allowing the Imam to attend.
It is not right for the Imam to be participating in the personal programs of some persons.
For instance, I was perturbed when I read that the Imam had visited the Acting CEO of Bulk Oil and Distribution Company at his office.
This should have been the opposite not what I heard and watched on social media.
With all due respect, even some of these pastors who lead small churches will not be seen gallivanting from office to office of some appointees.
I am once again, appealing to the handlers to take notice of such visitations.
It is also not right for the handlers to allow the Imam to travel over distances to officiate marriage, death or naming ceremonies. I believe that the office or the handlers can delegate other regional, metropolitan, municipal and district Imams to represent him and report to him.
Imam’s participation should be akin to national events with the President, Vice-President, Speaker of Parliament, Chief Justice, former Presidents, senior clergy, paramount Chiefs and other distinguished persons in the country and beyond.
Imam has demonstrated liberal leadership, with his current age. I pray that the handlers will control his daily movements and his participation of certain programs across the nook and cranny of the country as espoused.
There should be an edifice to be named The Office Of The National Chief Imam of Ghana with all the necessary offices to house the handlers and other ancillary staff.
Additional persons can be appointed to assist the current handlers.
Training programs should be offered to them to improve their capabilities and work ethics.
The office needs the following hands or units: legal, communication, protocol, administrative officer, secretary, security, international relations, conflict resolution and a financial controller.
All activities in the office must be done orderly to depict the posture or the status of the Imam.
Those manning the office should understand that Imam is for all Muslims irrespective of doctrinal differences. He is the head and the pivot of Muslims In our country.
We love him. We celebrate him. We cherish him and appreciate his leadership even though not perfect since he is a human.
We should support his efforts in uniting and leading the Muslim Ummah. and the handlers must do the needful in this endeavour.
The Chief Imam must be accorded all the necessary courtesies as any error on the part of the handlers will affect every Muslim in the country.
We are proud of him and it is therefore important that his handlers carry out their responsibilities for the best interest of Muslim Ummah.
It is incumbent as Muslims to do everything under our sleeves to protect and defend the Imam and his office.
Those who use social media to attack or use unprintable words against our Imam, I appeal to them in the name of Allah to halt it.
It is unIslamic, uncultured and wrong in all aspects.
Yes, not all will appreciate him, but for the sake of Allah, we should offer him support, love and protection.
Not every Ghanaian will admire or appreciate HE John Dramani Mahama, but he is the current President and we all need to support him to achieve for the country.
Long live Islam
Long live the Imam
Long live GH
The Servant
NB: All errors in this piece I take responsibility for, but the benefits and rewards are for all.